• Meet the Founders: Nanordica Medical

    Meet the Founders: Nanordica Medical

    We sat down with the founders of Nanordica Medical to hear and share more about their impressive vision of developing a nanoformula which enables them to create 5x more efficient antibacterial wound dressings for chronic wounds and other wide range of antibacterial products that are less toxic to human cells and to the environment.Meet Anna-Liisa… Read more

  • Meet the Founders: Neurosalience

    Meet the Founders: Neurosalience

    We sat down (once again virtually) with the founders of Neurosalience, next team from our Spring Program 2021, to hear and share about their breakthrough vision of developing a tool that is first in the world for early detection of dementia from structural MRI scans.Meet Ksenia Sokolova, Co-Founder and CEO and Michael Sokolovs, Co-Founder and Read more

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